Anime Characters Made up
Anime Characters Made up
para pengguna internet mungkin sudah tidak asing dengan namanya “konten”,
konten merupakan salah satu daya tarik internet tersebut. Konten bisa berupa
video, tulisan, gambar, dll. Dalam proses pembuatanya diperlukan alat-alat dan
aplikasi yang super canggih sehingga bisa menghasilkan konten yang bagus,
menarik, bermutu, original, dan menginspirasi bagi para pengguna internet. Oleh
karena itu saya selaku pembuat konten gaambar terus berupaya membuat gambar dan
ilustrasiyang lebih bagus lagi.
dalam sebuah proses pasti selalu ada
kendala begitu pun pula dalam proses pembuatan konten gambar. Pada umumnya
masalah yang sering dihadapi oleh pembuat konten gambar adalah komputer yang
kurang canggih, grapik yang kurang bagus, ukuran RAM yang kecil, ukuran memory
yang kurang besar, HARDWARE dan SOFTWARE yang kurang komplit, Serta keahlian
yang kurang mumpuni. Mungkin untuk masalah keahlian masih bisa diatasi tapi
untuk masalah yang lainnya solusinya adalah “biaya”.
karena itu bagi yang mau mendonasikan uangnya dipersilahkan. Berapa pun yang
akan didonasikan saya akan terima. Menyumbanglah seiklasnya dan jangan karena
Donasi bisa anda kirim dengan menghubungi blogger kami.
For internet users may
be familiar with the name "content", content is one of the
attractions of the internet. Content can be in the form of videos, text,
images, etc. In the manufacturing process, tools and applications that are
super sophisticated are needed so that they can produce good, interesting,
quality, original, and inspiring content for internet users. Therefore, I, as
the creator of pictures, keep trying to make better pictures and illustrations.
Of course in a process there must always be obstacles as well as in the process of making image content. In general, the problems that are often faced by image content makers are computers that are less sophisticated, graphics are not good, the RAM size is small, the memory size is not large enough, HARDWARE and SOFTWARE are less complete, and less skilled expertise. Maybe for expertise problems can still be overcome but for other problems the solution is "cost".
Therefore those who want to donate their money are welcome. Whatever will be donated, I will accept. Donate sincerely and not because you have to.
You can send a donation by contacting our blogger.
Of course in a process there must always be obstacles as well as in the process of making image content. In general, the problems that are often faced by image content makers are computers that are less sophisticated, graphics are not good, the RAM size is small, the memory size is not large enough, HARDWARE and SOFTWARE are less complete, and less skilled expertise. Maybe for expertise problems can still be overcome but for other problems the solution is "cost".
Therefore those who want to donate their money are welcome. Whatever will be donated, I will accept. Donate sincerely and not because you have to.
You can send a donation by contacting our blogger.
Lucas Solomon The Ultimate Badminton "Smasher"
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